Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Realest ish I never wrote

Dear Internet friends and family,
Greetings and salutations! It is a beautiful new day in this our United States of America. A person of color and a myriad of backgrounds has been voted by a nation stifled with oppression its ruler. Who thought that this day would come? Come on be honest! Alright…who thought it’d come this soon? Yeah, me neither. I remember when my mother would tell me that I could be the first black/woman president and here we are arriving at this historic moment decades before we thought we would! The joy that we should feel is gargantuan in nature! The elation should echo across the states but it doesn’t. Instead of celebrating this monumental event that should bind us together here we stand, divided. Now, this letter by no means is for all of us. There are some of us who have heard the call of equality and answered in loud voice, YES WE CAN! Still, there are others who let issues rooted in ignorance and lies rule their minds and it is to these people that I wish to speak this morning.
To say that race is not an issue in this election is to say that race is not an issue in our country. We all know that this is unequivocally false. So why not address it head on okay? Barack Obama is African, English, Irish and German. He has lived in the U.S (including Hawaii) as well as Indonesia. So yes, your President is black, but he’s also White. SO WHAT? Does this make him any more or less qualified for his position? I think the most annoying thing about this campaign has been people claiming to not care about race, offering up their usual I have three black friends qualifier, and then jumping immediately into a tirade about RACE and completely ignoring the politics! Just stop it..let it go! While I’m on this topic let’s address the racist jokes/e-mails I received November 15th and here’s a surprise; only two were from white people. Shocking? No, not really.
1. You better get you some water cuz it’s about to be a whole lot of salty crackers walking around
2. All white people must report to the cotton fields tomorrow morning at 7am for orientation
3. The statue of liberty is coming down today; aunt jamima is going up holding a chicken leg.
4. Breaking News! Obama is tearing up the Rose Garden in the white house and replacing it with a watermelon patch.
I received at least four more but these are just the ones I got over and over and over again. Seriously? I challenge my special friends who sent this to take some time out and go talk to your grandparents. I did. Do you know what they expressed? Joy. Pure, unabashed joy. These people KNOW what it’s like to struggle. They know what it’s like to be so oppressed they feel that there is no future for them or their own. These people are the ones who lived through the civil rights clinging to the hope that their grandchildren would have a better future and not one of these people sent me a message of hate or prejudice. That came from my generation, and while I agree that the struggle continues I also agree that we need to stop perpetuating the hate and conduct ourselves with the dignity of our ancestors and future leader.
Next on the list is our McCain supporter friends. For the most part, I’m proud of you. You guys were going all out to get McCain in office, and though I disagree with your decision making process, I respect our differences. So, how about we get over it already? Stop posting stupid references about Marxist humor and Socialist policies, we get it, you’re clever. Stop talking about moving to Canada or the Netherlands, if you had the funds to do that you’d of left years ago. Stop posting stupid videos that claim we don’t know who we voted for. Stop using MySpace and facebook as your personal crying grounds. Here’s what ya need to do; take a bubble bath. Breathe in those healing aromas and then cry into your pillow. When you feel you’ve gotten it all out, join the rest of us and help rebuild this damn country. Seriously though Obama is your next president, stop whining and get with the program.
The next section is for the conspiracy theorist in us all. Barack Obama is NOT the anti-Christ. I repeat BARACK OBAMA IS NOT THE ANTI CHRIST! Just like all great leaders Obama has inherited this title joining the ranks of Mahatma Gandhi; The newest Pope and John F. Kennedy. You see how well THOSE panned out for ya? I was going to dissect this argument piece by piece but to avoid offending anyone and their religion I declined to. If you WOULD like a dissection of this argument and where it FAILS HORRIBLY by all means, write me and I will shoot one out to ya, in the meantime I suggest spending some time in prayer with God. Talk to him, ask to be guided and he will show you the truth. Along with this argument are the “I didn’t vote for Obama because I don’t want my soul to go to hell” crew. How dare you assume you understand the reasons a nation voted. Judge not least ye be judged! Everyone who voted for Barack Obama aren’t godless, homosexual sinners who wallow in wrongness waiting for the day that the next baby will be slaughtered. I am a Christian and I stand strong in my beliefs. I love the Lord with all my heart and soul and no one will tell me different. I have no reason to question Obama’s salvation or his walk with the Lord and neither do you. Whereas I don’t agree with abortions I believe the ramifications of that decision lie within that woman who does and God. He granted us free choice for a reason. GAY RIGHTS AND ABORTIONS ARE NOT THE ONLY THINGS GOD DISAGREES WITH! I challenge all of you to take a step down of the high horse and reflect on your own lives. How many things would God want for you to remove from your heart? Now how many of those things are you ready, really ready, to give up. The Bible says there is no weight on sin, you better believe it. What about protecting our planet that God gave us? What about helping the poor and sick? What about LOVING our neighbors whether homosexual or not? What about PEACE on earth? Let’s focus on all the issues involved and not just the one’s it’s easy to argue.
In closing, this letter was not meant to offend, this was not my intention. If it did I would challenge you to question yourself about why it did. If it hit too close to home it’s never too late to get on my level. For my lovely friends who already did YES WE DID!
Love all around,
P.S. Not to be rude but I’m not interested in arguing with you about these topics. If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it. Kay? Thanks!

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