Saturday, November 22, 2008

A battle of wits with an unarmed person

Text verbatum of an argument I had with a retard; You can tell my parts from his because they are smart!

My response to you can be found at the link below.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Kevin Webb
Date: Nov 20, 2008 12:38 AM

Interesting video of Obama supporters interviewed. Very basic questions were asked of them... in which none of them knew the answers.

This video will show you who voted our next President into office.


http://www. kevinwebb22. com/?p=800

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: I dont think I understood the question..
Date: Nov 20, 2008 12:41 AM

I voted our next president into office and I'd like to think I made an educated vote...if you feel different that's fine but let's not sterotype EVERYONE okay? Super!
From: Kevin Webb
Date: Nov 20, 2008 5:48 PM

Hmmm... first of all, the poll and video wasn't produced by me. It was produced by the leading data center in the U.S. Therefore, I'm not stereotyping anybody, just simply spreading already created information.

Secondly, if you are as educated as you claim to be, then why did you vote for Obama?

Third, check my blog out tonight and you'll read about how the stock market has dropped more in just 15 days after Obama's election then it did the entire 9 months previous. Just a coincidence?

No way.

From: I dont think I understood the question..
Date: Nov 20, 2008 11:03 PM

As educated as I “claim to be”? Boy stop! You DON’T know me and just because we attended the same church as kids CLEARLY doesn’t mean you know what I am like. So let’s start at the beginning, I never said that you created the videos that you decided to share with your internet friends. Maybe read my WHOLE comment before you write back next time; By posting this for all your friends to see means that you agree with what it’s promoting, that the people who voted for Obama are uneducated. THAT’S where my comments originated from. Leading Data Center? I watched the video and went to it’s corresponding website where it lead me to John Ziegler’s page. I don’t think he counts as a leading data center. I showed you those videos to pantomime how absurd your video was. We don’t know the situations behind the video and I find it extremely hard to believe that out of all the voters that turned out that day NO ONE knew why they were voting. Have you ever taken statistics? I took it last year and I learned about how polls, without all the information that went into getting the data, are basically useless. This is percentages of people that THEY talked to, not of an entire Nation OR the 63.7 million people who voted for him. It’s sort of like when you watch the news and the find the most ignorant annoying people who have no idea what’s going on to talk to.
So here very quickly are some of the reasons I voted for Obama, leaving out of course that I cant stand McCain because I REALLY wanna discuss something I came across while reading your blog;
1. I am NOT rich. I am a college student and the majority of my family is middle class. I disagree that the wealth in this country is evenly distributed and easily accessible. It has now and has always been reserved for the upper 3% of the nation. I believe that Barack Obama is more in a position to change this than McCain
2. Though I support our troops, I STRONGLY disagree with the war in Iraq. We should NEVER have been there and John McCain is willing to spend the next TEN years there. I am NOT.
3. Two Words; Universal Healthcare
4. Global Warming in NOT a joke, it’s happening as we speak and if we don’t protect the planet God gave us we don’t have anywhere else to go.
5. McCain gives me the heeby jeebies, I know I said I wouldn’t discuss that I don’t like him but he does. He really BOTHERS me.
Those are just five of my reasons for voting for Obama, I’d write more but I’m REALLY taken aback by something you have on your blog. I read it like you suggested and would LOVE to know how your “experience” with black people leaves you qualified enough to honestly write some garbage about the black experience in the US. Now, I like to think that I, for the most part, am open minded. We are all God’s children, but I would NEVER attempt to tell you about the white experience in America because I’M NOT WHITE.
“One thing that bothers me is when I meet black people that are stuck in the past of slavery, which was an obvious bad era and terrible mistake in American history. They actual enslave themselves and chain themselves to their past. The worst case is when I find a person who feels this way, and doesn’t even know the history of slavery.
There are even people who argue that it is ok for black people to feel this way, yet they argue that America will always be a racist country. Listen, stop living in a mental state of slavery and give it up! Move ON! The majority of America has. Stop stooping down the stupid white people who are still wishing slavery back into existence. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
In some way, I feel that some black people are actually racists towards themselves. They live as if they are preparing for slavery to resurface.”

Just the fact that you titled a section “black people and success, do the mix?” annoys me. Now, I’m going to try and remain calm and NOT go postal. You are trying to tell me that we should, what, FORGET slavery? Pretend it never existed? Act like there aren’t still ENTIRE groups of people dedicated to the beliefs that I am less than a person? It’s ludicrous! You NEVER forget the history of your people because when you forget it will repeat itself. The majority of America has not or this section of your blog WOULDN’T exist. “racist towards themselves?” We don’t have to be, we have enough people to do that for us. I lived in our beautiful south for most of my childhood and let me share some of the joys of that time period;
I have been called a nigger by kids my age who didn’t even know what it meant; I have had THREE houses defaced with racist remarks, I’ve been attacked by members of a racist organization, I’ve been followed out of states. Maybe those are just MY experiences right? Maybe I asked for it even, what about this; There is an actual TOWN in existence right now with a sign that says “Niggers don’t let the sun set on your backs” in this town complete with a picture of a very stereotypical black male running; Jena 6;.They are STILL LYNCHING people! At UT on November 15th I was told by white people, The niggers won, I bet you’re glad, I just don’t want the lower class black taking over the world.
I know that this isn’t headline information to you, why would it be? Racism STILL exists and it will as long as there are ignorant people and there are an abundance of them running around pro-creating. The attitude that you have is the reason that racism is prevalent. People can do what they want and no one will believe that it actually happened because racism doesn’t exist right? Yeah, you know everything, you’re right

As educated as I “claim to be”? Boy stop! You DON’T know me and just because we attended the same church as kids CLEARLY doesn’t mean you know what I am like. So let’s start at the beginning, I never said that you created the videos that you decided to share with your internet friends. Maybe read my WHOLE comment before you write back next time; By posting this for all your friends to see means that you agree with what it’s promoting, that the people who voted for Obama are uneducated. THAT’S where my comments originated from. Leading Data Center? I watched the video and went to it’s corresponding website where it lead me to John Ziegler’s page. I don’t think he counts as a leading data center. I showed you those videos to pantomime how absurd your video was. We don’t know the situations behind the video and I find it extremely hard to believe that out of all the voters that turned out that day NO ONE knew why they were voting. Have you ever taken statistics? I took it last year and I learned about how polls, without all the information that went into getting the data, are basically useless. This is percentages of people that THEY talked to, not of an entire Nation OR the 63.7 million people who voted for him. It’s sort of like when you watch the news and the find the most ignorant annoying people who have no idea what’s going on to talk to.”

Kevin’s Response:
First of all, I never knew we attend the same church. Sorry that I don’t remember you.
Secondly, you are mistaken again concerning the poll. The poll was conducted fairly by the top international poll conducting company called Zogby. Your research was insufficient and inadequate. John hired Zogby to conduct the poll, but the poll was not actually conducted by him. Zogby has a clear scientific method of polling that can be found by doing some more research on their website. They are a politically independent company. Please try again.

“So here very quickly are some of the reasons I voted for Obama, leaving out of course that I cant stand McCain because I REALLY wanna discuss something I came across while reading your blog;”

“1. I am NOT rich. I am a college student and the majority of my family is middle class. I disagree that the wealth in this country is evenly distributed and easily accessible. It has now and has always been reserved for the upper 3% of the nation. I believe that Barack Obama is more in a position to change this than McCain”

Kevin’s Response:
What is rich? My wife and I together make far less than $100,000 a year. I can’t give specifics because I believe it is unethical to do so in this type of arena. To many people, $30,000 would be considered rich. To many others, they would consider that poor. I currently work 2 jobs totalling about 70 hours a week on average and I typically get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. My wife also works full-time, but she gets far more sleep than I do! We paid over $4,000 in donations and gifts last year alone and we have no kids to use for tax breaks. Add it all up and we’re just your typical D.I.N.Ks working hard to stay alive. I grew up in a middle class family. My mother worked full-time her entire life, and my dad worked anywhere from 50 to 80 hours a week depending on what the church had going on. I applaud his work ethic.

With that said, regardless of my financial status, I believe that it is the principals behind spreading the wealth that are unethical and unbiblical. You see, Jesus left it to the people to provide asisstance to other people in need. He never suggesting that the government imposed on the people of higher incomes to do so. This is the sole reason that the “church” exists. My church in particular does community outreaches on a regular basis. We provide supplies, food, toys, Christmas gifts, shelter, financial classes and job workshops for those in need.

Why should someone like myself working 70 hours a week be demanded to help support the people who are either not working at all, or only working 40 hours a week? Please tell me the ethics behind taking money from someone who has EARNED it and giving it to someone who HAS NOT EARNED it? There is no proper explanation.

Obama’s proposed tax plan is going to hurt what you call the “rich” more than it is going to help what you call the “middle-class”. What’s his big payoff? You can expect an increase in pay by about $.06 an hour. So, if you currently make $10 an hour you’ll now be making $10.06 an hour. Hope that helps you out. A person making over $250,00 will now be taxed to the point of having to close down. Don’t believe me? Have you seen the fear in the stock market lately due to the election of Obama? Did you know that on average, Republicans donate more money annually than Democrats? Did you know that I out-donated Joe Biden last year? Yep, he donated $3,000 TOTAL LAST YEAR. You voted for him.

“2. Though I support our troops, I STRONGLY disagree with the war in Iraq. We should NEVER have been there and John McCain is willing to spend the next TEN years there. I am NOT.”

Kevin’s Response:
Did you know that the majority of the American troops world-wide that have had war tours support and condone the cause and the wars they are fighting? If that is the case, and you support them, then how do you not support the war? Have you forgotten that since 9/11 America has not had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in over 7 years, even though there have been many attempts? How can you support “spread the wealth” to those who need more money, but not support “spread the freedom” to those who have lived their lives in captivity under a violent government regime? How can you explain your position on this? It doesn’t add up. Your points are contradicting themselves.

“3. Two Words; Universal Healthcare”

Kevin’s Response:
Ha. Universal Health Care is actually three words! You watched Joe Biden too much.

This is actually going to do 2 things. First, it will deny basic healthcare to those that fall outside of the definition of “healthcare”. From the sounds of it, this is one of those things that you probably haven’t done any research on. You see… “healthcare” has a term of definitions and clauses that affect it. Coughs, cancer and heart attacks might be considered under the universal healthcare system, but hip replacement, facial reconstruction, dental work, broken bones and certain medications may not. The problem is that these terms are not defined yet. People just RAN TO THE TERM “UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE” without fully understanding it.

Secondly, doing this will create a backlog of patients that will, in time, deny or postpone any care they need to receive. Have you ever seen a line when something is being given away for free? I do think that there are better ways that what we are currently using to help in this area, but handing it out for free is not the answer. Again, who is going to pay for it? You are. I am.

“4. Global Warming in NOT a joke, it’s happening as we speak and if we don’t protect the planet God gave us we don’t have anywhere else to go.”

Kevin’s Response:
COME ON! There is absolute scientific proof that the man-made carbon foot print produced has not succeeded the natural carbon foot print to point that it could change weather patterns. In my opinion, believing this is doubting God. He has created the heavens and the earth with such perfection and detailed calculation that if we were to “mess it up” to the point of doomsday he would only have two choices to make; return to gather us for the rapture, or miraculoiusly fix it. If that is the case, then why is this an issue?

“5. McCain gives me the heeby jeebies, I know I said I wouldn’t discuss that I don’t like him but he does. He really BOTHERS me.”

My Response:
I find it extremely hard to swallow and digest the fact that you have completely overlooked the issues on abortion, gay rights and welfare. As a Christian, how are these issues not important to you? [all I can do is shake my head in disgust]

“Those are just five of my reasons for voting for Obama, I’d write more but I’m REALLY taken aback by something you have on your blog. I read it like you suggested and would LOVE to know how your “experience” with black people leaves you qualified enough to honestly write some garbage about the black experience in the US. Now, I like to think that I, for the most part, am open minded. We are all God’s children, but I would NEVER attempt to tell you about the white experience in America because I’M NOT WHITE.”

“One thing that bothers me is when I meet black people that are stuck in the past of slavery, which was an obvious bad era and terrible mistake in American history. They actual enslave themselves and chain themselves to their past. The worst case is when I find a person who feels this way, and doesn’t even know the history of slavery.”

“There are even people who argue that it is ok for black people to feel this way, yet they argue that America will always be a racist country. Listen, stop living in a mental state of slavery and give it up! Move ON! The majority of America has. Stop stooping down the stupid white people who are still wishing slavery back into existence. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!”

“In some way, I feel that some black people are actually racists towards themselves. They live as if they are preparing for slavery to resurface.”

Kevin’s Response:
You’ve sadly misunderstood everything that I said. I understand that black people went through slavery many, many years ago and that racism is still around today. I don’t however believe that it should be used as an excuse (by white people or black people) to determine their future. I highly suggest you go back and read some more of my posts about this. You will find that I was evenly displeased as to how both whites and blacks have treated this issue. AND I’m not by any means talking about the majority of white people, or the majority of black people feeling or acting this way, I was simply mentioning it because these issues do still exists today. If they didn’t then I would not have written about it.

The fact is that there are still stupid white people that hate other races and believe that they are superior, just as there are stupid black people that hate other races and use their past as an excuse to not fulfill their future. There is nothing racist about this comment. It is just the facts.

“Just the fact that you titled a section “black people and success, do the mix?” annoys me. Now, I’m going to try and remain calm and NOT go postal. You are trying to tell me that we should, what, FORGET slavery? Pretend it never existed? Act like there aren’t still ENTIRE groups of people dedicated to the beliefs that I am less than a person? It’s ludicrous! You NEVER forget the history of your people because when you forget it will repeat itself. The majority of America has not or this section of your blog WOULDN’T exist. “racist towards themselves?” We don’t have to be, we have enough people to do that for us. I lived in our beautiful south for most of my childhood and let me share some of the joys of that time period;“

Kevin’s Response:
You read this section wrong on my blog. My title was written to mean that BLACK PEOPLE CAN STILL BE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL REGARDLESS OF THEIR RACE. You simply read this incorrectly and I apologize if I did not clearly state it.

“I have been called a n#@$%* by kids my age who didn’t even know what it meant; I have had THREE houses defaced with racist remarks, I’ve been attacked by members of a racist organization, I’ve been followed out of states. Maybe those are just MY experiences right? Maybe I asked for it even, what about this; There is an actual TOWN in existence right now with a sign that says “N#$%^&@ don’t let the sun set on your backs” in this town complete with a picture of a very stereotypical black male running; Jena 6;.They are STILL LYNCHING people! At UT on November 15th I was told by white people, The n@#$%^& won, I bet you’re glad, I just don’t want the lower class black taking over the world.”

Kevin’s Response:
What is your point? I know that this stuff still exists. If you would read more of my posts you would see that I have also encountered white people just like this, speaking disrespectfully and hateful towards black people AND I DID NOT PUT UP WITH IT. I argued with them until I was red and to the point almost losing my insanity because of their racism. Ask anyone down here that knows me and they will tell you that I advocate daily against racist white people… and trust me they run rampid here in Georgia.

“I know that this isn’t headline information to you, why would it be? Racism STILL exists and it will as long as there are ignorant people and there are an abundance of them running around pro-creating. The attitude that you have is the reason that racism is prevalent. People can do what they want and no one will believe that it actually happened because racism doesn’t exist right? Yeah, you know everything, you’re right”

Kevin’s Response:
Again, you are proving yourself uneducated or uninformed… one of the two. It’s clearly obvious that you have not read all of my posts concerning these issues and until you do, there really is no reason in arguing with you on them. Go to the top of my blog and clock the tab labeled “Controvery”… I believe you’ll find them in there

Tiara 22/11/2008 You’re a funny guy, Kevin.
Sure, why not. I noticed that instead of commenting on the way that the results were obtained you chose to focus on Zogby. Super. A quick search of your favorite poller shows that more often than not, Zogby is wrong. Maybe you shouldn’t have given me that info to work with? Who knows, either way, We STILL don’t know the information behind the polls and I STILL don’t believe that the millions of people who voted don’t know why they did. You need more people. By the way, you “friended” me on myspace, not the other way around, so sorry I thought you knew me, calm down skipper.
I never said you WERE rich, it’s called reading comprehension, and quite frankly I don’t care how many hours a week you or your wife, who I’m sure is a lovely person, work. 30,000 considered rich? Where? In the US the poverty level for your average nuclear family, you know wife; husband; 2 kids; small dog?, is around 24,000. Maybe you should have worked those figures out again, that’s right you’re probably too tired from your 70 hour work week. I agree with you, I think people who don’t work at all need more initiative. If I work over 40 hrs a week and still go to school full time so can they! But what about people who aren’t in our position? People who work at Burger King and make minimum wage? Even working 50 hrs a week is NOT going to make a dent in the growing costs of EVERYTHING. Listen, I don’t care HOW MUCH you or Joe Biden donated last year, because I, who makes less than you donated more. Get over it. I don’t understand your question about taking from someone who earns and giving to someone who didn’t. Are you confused about something there? Come on fear because Obama is causing the stock market to crash? Really!? The lowest drop we’ve seen since 9/11 happened in September. WOW! You guys might wanna go to church and sign up for the prophecy ministry because you must of known he was gonna be elected!
Where’d ya get that poll from? Zogby? Anywho, Supporting, praying for and wishing the safe return of the men and women doing their jobs is not the same as blindly following their thoughts and opinions. HAHAHHA! YOU DID GET THAT FROM ZOGBY! I was just playing too! LOL! You STILL need more people. Also, that seven year thing doesn’t impress me considering that before 9/11 the last terrorist attack on US soil was in 1993. I got that one from the government. Go figure. Uh oh! My 8 years tops your 7! My points contradict themselves? How? The people who we are trying to force into freedom have made it clear that they DON’T WANT US THERE! Maybe we should follow suit.
You’re right. Universal Health Care is three words. That AUTOMATICALLY makes your point correct, oh wait, no it doesn’t! I noticed you said “may” a lot. Could it be that, you DON’T know either? I don’t have a problem paying for healthcare for people who need it. Sorry.
Thanks for your opinion on that, Maverick. Too bad I didn’t ask for it. Did you even read the bulletin like I suggested? Didnt think so.
Again, did you even read my letter!? See now this makes ME shake MY head in disgust. I read your blog, which I didn’t really want to do. As a matter of fact, everything you talk about that was in that letter, I refuse to comment on…starting….now!
blah blah blah I still dont think you are the authority on a race youre not. blah blah blah
Apology accepted
What is my point? My point is exactly what it says if you aren’t bright enough to figure it out, I don’t think I’m gonna waste the time trying to explain it to you. Hey guys, hand claps for Kevin Not putting up with it! WHOO! Get that man a cookie!
Uneducated? More like I cant argue with her point so I’ll try to discredit the writer. There you go again with name calling. Sorry Kevin, it appears we got off on the wrong foot. I don’t care about how you feel about…well anything. You were just starting to annoy me with your CONSTANT posts on myspace basically whining and groaning about something that already happened. I actually only responded back with this one because I think it’s funny that you took a private discussion that we were having and posted it on your blog. So I HAD to do the same. I’m spiteful that way. So you go on being a Maverick and reppin John McCain to the fullest and I’m going to work on, you know, living. Hey have fun kid.
P.S. I’m not interested in reading your blog, just like John McCain, it gives me the heeby jeebies. Shake your head in disgust about that!
Love all around
admin 22/11/2008 The fastest way to be discredited is to continue to put uneducated information somewhere that remains built on a lack of research. You have a clear misunderstanding of fact and fiction.
I haven’t even read your entire post, I just skimmed it and found many falsehoods. One of them being the last terrorist attack date happening in 1993, which if I remember correctly was attack #1 on the towers. That is incorrect. I am pretty sure that the last terrorist attack happened on April 19th, 1995. It happened in Oklahoma. Go Google it and prove yourself wrong.
Hey guys clap for Tiara if she can finally get something correct and you’ll never clap again!
When you decide to actually do some research (yet again), then please let me know so that we can continue our debate. Your Zogby stuff is still off too.
I’d write more, but I’m off to a gun show to exercise my Second Amendment right (which is part of the Bill of Rights) while I still have the chance to.

Tiara 22/11/2008 LOL! Well, your comments were….predictable. Except the gun show thing, thanks for sharing your free time activities with me. Oh, you’re still wrong about the year issue, I checked again. The Oklahoma City Bombing, though tragic, is not considered an act of terrorism according to the state departments website. And now you know and knowing is half the battle!

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