1. I turned 23!

Year of the Jordan
I am offically GROWN! I dont know why but I have always thought that 23 means you are officially adult and what now! Granted you can go to big people jail but people actually think you can have intelligent convo with them! I am so excited. For my recent age change I re-did my room. Yeah, new paint, furniture, set up it's hot like fire! Then I cop'ed an all new wardrobe. Oh yeah I realized while re-doing my room that I have 32 t-shirts that say things. THIRTY TWO! Can you believe that? They are cute and I like them but it was time to move on. Thennnn I cut my hair! That's right my hair that I have been growing for years, the hair that was slowly creeping down my back, chopped off to chin lenght. I miss it..badly! I cant wait for it to grow back.

I have SERIOUS Obama fever! I was so thrilled when he was elected I didnt know what to do with myself! I campaigned for him for months and to see it come to pass was amazing! We are taught from a young age to not expect much out of life and to be happy with what were given. We are told we can be anything we want to be with a few expectations and this is supposed to be enough. Today though, I honestly believe these things. I honestly believe that my potential is limitless and you should too! YES WE DID!
I gotta go do some actual homework so I have to go. Hey, how about some Young Jeezy to ease the pain of parting?
I'm officially changing my slogan to YES WE CAN!
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