
Look at that HAIR! What the hell was she thinking?! And the platform white kicks with the 99? What you know about that?! LOL! *
I digress...
I played sports and hung out with the boys and even played the instrument least frequented by girls, the french horn, in band. There were just two things I refused to do. 1. Get dirty and 2. Be in the vicinity of bugs. Bugs creep me the HELL out! All of them. Even ants. I hate them. When I was younger I'd RUN, like take off like I was at the blocks, at the sight of bugs. I understand they have a purpose but I'ts not in my life. When we moved to this house there were a crapload of Centipedes here. A crapload! For those of you who dont know what this UNGODLY looking creature is BEHOLD!

I almost threw up finding this picture. Sersly.
The straw that broke the frickin camels back was when one ran past me while I was sitting on the floor! What kind of household do you live in where you cant even sit on the damn floor undisturbed? HUH?! I quickly called Orkin and they've been coming ever since.

like this but cooler
He got rid of all my bugs and we continue to pay him. So why in the hell did I just kill a silverfish kickin it on my platform bed! WHAT THE FUCK?! This is not okay! For those who dont know what these bitches look like BEHOLD..AGAIN!

They're like Centipedes lil cousins so I understand why it could be in the house BUT WHY THE FUCK WAS IT ON MY BED?! They frequent bath tubs and sinks for the water..MY WOODEN BED HAS NO WATER ON IT!
Oh shit. It just occured to me that I leave glasses of water on my night stand overnight. What if it lived in one? Oh God. I have to go throw up.
YES WE CAN (kill bugs)
* I grew out of it! It just took me a decade or so.
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