I'm back up in this Biaatch! O.K random outburst I know but as school has just ended and I feel like a recently freed slave(at least for two weeks) I am excited! I got a 10 page paper to write tonight but 9 pages of that is gonna be bull and the other one is gonna be a title page. I am full of useless information waiting to escape! So here is my list of things that really pissed me off this summer that I didnt get to write about.
1. That wrestler guy who killed his fam.
You suck.
2. Those two ass clowns that raped and killed that family.
You both suck.
3. Usher and Tameka.
W.T.F? Is he lost in the sauce? I dont believe I understand this one.
4. Chick in Delaware that faked pregnancy.
So, there's this chick in Delaware that was supposedly knocked up with twins by this frat guy. She went around for a good 8 months wearing a fake belly (dodge balls cut in half), getting sympathy for having a triflin baby daddy who questioned paternity, having baby showers and getting all the attention her little lyin ass could muster. So she goes into labor and "loses" the babies. Next day she's on campus walking around kickin it. People get suspicious and raid her room finding the fake bellies. They confront her and lift her shirt to find she has a friggin six pack! THE HELL! Eight months later with labor and you still lookin like you just got off the bowflex? She confesses says she aborted the babies at 6 months and didnt want anyone to know so she just kept faking. This does not explain the other 6 months of no weight gain. She also didnt explain the different month sized dodge balls found in room. There are pictures of her all over the place. Here's some:

Had the nerve to have a shower!

If you see this hoe, kick her in the stomach. It's safe now.
Dag! She needs to
go to church
Am I a bad person because the last picture made me laugh?
lol! I'll be dat cuz I still laugh!
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