I am so ANNOYED! I'll talk later..for now watch this.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The fuck up list
Occasionaly people or places do something so bad, so inconceivable that they deserve a special place in my world. That place is "The Fuck Up List". "The Fuck Up List" is a list of all the people, places and things that have fucked up. Number one tonight is

5/3 bank. You would think I would have trouble talking bad about this fuck up lister considering my significant other, for right now, is an employee at this financial institution. I do not. I hate them with all the vim and vigor my tiny little heart can muster. I joined the bank in 05 with my mom because it had a free checking account and all of their machines are convenient and....EVERYWHERE! Little did I know this bank sucks hot ass. Lemme give you an example...
Thursday: My dog has emergency surgery, I write a check for $400 dollars.
Friday: Payday, as I went shopping and paid a bill I dont have $400 dollars in that account. Considering that transactions deposited past Friday at 5 dont post until Monday at midnight I figure I'm o.k with depositing the money the next day.
Saturday:I move $577 over to the account topping it off to a whopping $590. I should be fine with a whole $19 left in the account. I go and buy pepcid for my dog, beverages and lunch. OOOPS! I charged my account over .90.
Monday: I deposit $3 dollars on my way to work thinking I'm fine.
Tuesday: I used a machine from somewhere else whose fee was two dollars and some change result: OVERDRAFTED 15 CENT!
5 minutes ago: I call bank, because it was overdrafted last night I cant go put the change in the bank. Sooooooo because of a 15 cent slip, I owe 58$ on Friday. I.HATE.THEM.
This isnt the first time. Another time they said I owed like $390 dollars. I was like bitch please and they dropped the fees. Most banks charge you $33 one time. NOT THESE FUCK UPS! They charge you $33 FOR EACH TRANSACTION afterwards and considering it takes 4 days for me to get my letter, that could be alot.
So...5/3 you are offically on THE FUCK UP LIST. Congratulations you assclowns.

5/3 bank. You would think I would have trouble talking bad about this fuck up lister considering my significant other, for right now, is an employee at this financial institution. I do not. I hate them with all the vim and vigor my tiny little heart can muster. I joined the bank in 05 with my mom because it had a free checking account and all of their machines are convenient and....EVERYWHERE! Little did I know this bank sucks hot ass. Lemme give you an example...
Thursday: My dog has emergency surgery, I write a check for $400 dollars.
Friday: Payday, as I went shopping and paid a bill I dont have $400 dollars in that account. Considering that transactions deposited past Friday at 5 dont post until Monday at midnight I figure I'm o.k with depositing the money the next day.
Saturday:I move $577 over to the account topping it off to a whopping $590. I should be fine with a whole $19 left in the account. I go and buy pepcid for my dog, beverages and lunch. OOOPS! I charged my account over .90.
Monday: I deposit $3 dollars on my way to work thinking I'm fine.
Tuesday: I used a machine from somewhere else whose fee was two dollars and some change result: OVERDRAFTED 15 CENT!
5 minutes ago: I call bank, because it was overdrafted last night I cant go put the change in the bank. Sooooooo because of a 15 cent slip, I owe 58$ on Friday. I.HATE.THEM.
This isnt the first time. Another time they said I owed like $390 dollars. I was like bitch please and they dropped the fees. Most banks charge you $33 one time. NOT THESE FUCK UPS! They charge you $33 FOR EACH TRANSACTION afterwards and considering it takes 4 days for me to get my letter, that could be alot.
So...5/3 you are offically on THE FUCK UP LIST. Congratulations you assclowns.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Mama...I hurt.
YELLO! It has been THE longest week of my life! I left my old job at the Y (:() where I made little to no money to go to my new job at a rental car agency where I make twice of what I made before. Hoorary right? No. Not hooray. Let's discuss.

1. Smokers. 98% of the people who work at my job smoke. GAG ME. I can't stand smoke since my mother stopped smoking when I was a kid. She was messing with my chronic bronchitis and my brothers asthma so she was you know...obligated to. I think she still resents it. I kid, I kid. However, smoking is still "fucking nasty, bitch" thanks facebook. Not only do these people smoke, they take 5 minute smoking breaks every 20-30 min. I'm there well over 8 hours. I dont feel like doing the math but this is quite frankly disgusting.

2. Age. I just left a job where all the workers were between the ages of 20 and 31 to go to a job where all the workers are between the ages of almost 22 (me) and late 60ish. There are five chicks at the desk, me, a late 50'ish woman,a 47 year old, a 35 year old, a 34 year old and a 31 year old. All the guys that do the hard work, cleaning and shuttleling are around 50-60. IMAGINE our conversations. I almost threw up when they started talking about their fondness of president Bush. siiiggggghhhhhh. The above picture could have been taken at work if that little girl was a.) black and well, that's the only qualifier.

3.Gossip. This is crazy. All of these older, wiser women totally being crotches to each other. I mean within my first day of filling out paper work, not even working there mind you, I learned that one of the girls is a hypochondriac, the other is a quietly vicious old beast, one is a worry wart who has financial issues and the other has autistic kids. I didnt even know this chick! Then they say I'm too quite. Because I dont want my business all over the damn building! All of their friends call and stop by too. This wouldnt be so bad if these were normal people. As they arent it's actually quite unbearable. Here's a nice big steaming cup of shut the fuck up.

4.Sailors mouths. These old women curse like you wouldnt believe! I have never heard such filth coming out of the mouths of ladies. One flicked a guy off today. SHE.FLICKED.HIM.OFF. I was in total shock. WHO DOES THAT? I know I curse, but not like this. I censor myself a great deal in public, you know, cuz I have home training.

5. Random aches. Since I started I have had the most random pains. My neck and shoulders are super achey and my legs and feet hurt. The hell. I stood on my feet for 8 hours a day 4 days a week and never felt pain like this. I need some help.

6. IT'S BORING! I'm only there 8 hours this week and I'm bored as hell. Imagine my TEN hour shift. No seriously, there is NOTHING to do. I have a game folder with games from the 90's but I can only play it when the boss is out and surprise, surprise I'm training. It is literally like watching paint dry. literally. They painted and I watched it dry.
I have training an hour a way next week. so I'll be gone from 7:30am until 6:00 p.m. Hip Hip hooray!
Also, one of my dogs had to have emergency surgery. Tuesday he had an "let's eat everything we come in contact with" party. He ate a towel, a bag of hot dog buns including the wrapper, he ate a cardbord box, and a mitten. Yes, a mitten. He's been throwing up and having a bad case of the BG's(bubble guts) since then. Today I started getting worried, I'm a tad bit overprotective since my other dog died in November. I took him to the vet and he was whoopin they ass until they sedated him. Turns out he has an obstruction of his small intestines and they have to have emergency surgery or I have to put him down. Tough decision...NOT. So while I'm tryna figure out how I can come up with this money I just wrote a bad check for I'm prayin like you would not believe. I was shaking and stuff. He was o.k. though, she had to push it through to his large intestine and he can hopefully come home tomorrow or Sat. I'M SO EXCITED...AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT! I love my dogs to death and he hasnt been away from us since he was a little baby. I hope he sleeps through the night until I can go see him tomorrow after the boringest job ever. It also only turned out to be half of what they thought it was. HOORAY! I dont have to put on the red light...I kid, I kid.
School sucks. I dont think I'ma have the money to pay for this semester so I dont think I'ma go. I'm hella tired anywayz so a week off should help. I'm only sad that I'm not gonna get to do something I've been waiting years to do. I'd put it here but on the off chance it does happen I dont want any incriminating evidence. Oh wellz. If it was meant to be it'll be, soon. THANKS JAY-Z!
Juanita Bynum got beat the hell down by her husband. This is so sad. What's worse it the way people keep saying that it's her own fault. BULL! Domestic violence is never the victims fault dummies. Please dont let hate get in the way of your own common sense.
Michael Vick. He's a dumbass. I'd write more but I've already written one obligatory blog post about him. I copied it down below. This was after some random said something dumb about it JUST being animals and if he was white we'd let him off etc. etc. etc.:
Maaaaannnnnnnn I was reading these posts getting super hot! What genius would do some idiocy like swerve OFF the road and kill six kids to miss a squirrel? That’s reaching. I'm not gonna attempt to explain what someone else said because I don’t know them so I don’t know what they meant. Here's how I feel about it. Vick is guilty. Guilty for being a cruel, indecent human being. He viciously killed animals that he bought, traded and bred for slaughter. For shame on us for wanting to hold him accountable for his actions. As an animal lover I would swerve to miss the squirrel, but NOT at the cost of human life. It's not a matter of humans over animals, its about not being a jackass. Who can honestly say if they could have avoided killing an animal they wouldn’t have? Not anyone sane. Not even yourself. Animal life should not be placed over human life, but we also shouldn’t go out of our way to kill them unneeded.
I also understand that biblically speaking we were given domain over animals. There are a few other quotes in the bible concerning animals too, here's one:
A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs.
- Proverbs 12:10
Hmmmmm......Maybe that's too much rationalism for some people. Since we are on the bible, isn’t the point of our existence to be exalting God and living our lives as Christ like as possible? Well the bible says:
The Lord is loving and merciful... He is good to everyone and has compassion on all he has made.
- Psalms 145:8-9
ALL HE HAS MADE. He made everything including dogs and squirrels :)
I can understand people saying that if this was a person he'd get off believe you me, I get it. What shocks me is that we say this with such ease. The fact that we are readily able to supply this man with an excuse for his ridiculous behavior is appalling. This is the same man that we let off the hook for infecting people with HERPES! This dude knew he was burnin and was still blessin chicks with the gift that keeps on givin. This is just the beginning of his stupid behavior, middle fingers to fans, not really playing in 05, kicking it with people who had records for drug trafficking. COME ON MAN! He has consistently stupid behavior. It's time Vick grows the hell up. He was man enough to do dumb crap so he needs to be man enough to own up to it. Period.
I'm SO.DAMN.INTELLIGENT! I'm playin,but hey

1. Smokers. 98% of the people who work at my job smoke. GAG ME. I can't stand smoke since my mother stopped smoking when I was a kid. She was messing with my chronic bronchitis and my brothers asthma so she was you know...obligated to. I think she still resents it. I kid, I kid. However, smoking is still "fucking nasty, bitch" thanks facebook. Not only do these people smoke, they take 5 minute smoking breaks every 20-30 min. I'm there well over 8 hours. I dont feel like doing the math but this is quite frankly disgusting.

2. Age. I just left a job where all the workers were between the ages of 20 and 31 to go to a job where all the workers are between the ages of almost 22 (me) and late 60ish. There are five chicks at the desk, me, a late 50'ish woman,a 47 year old, a 35 year old, a 34 year old and a 31 year old. All the guys that do the hard work, cleaning and shuttleling are around 50-60. IMAGINE our conversations. I almost threw up when they started talking about their fondness of president Bush. siiiggggghhhhhh. The above picture could have been taken at work if that little girl was a.) black and well, that's the only qualifier.

3.Gossip. This is crazy. All of these older, wiser women totally being crotches to each other. I mean within my first day of filling out paper work, not even working there mind you, I learned that one of the girls is a hypochondriac, the other is a quietly vicious old beast, one is a worry wart who has financial issues and the other has autistic kids. I didnt even know this chick! Then they say I'm too quite. Because I dont want my business all over the damn building! All of their friends call and stop by too. This wouldnt be so bad if these were normal people. As they arent it's actually quite unbearable. Here's a nice big steaming cup of shut the fuck up.

4.Sailors mouths. These old women curse like you wouldnt believe! I have never heard such filth coming out of the mouths of ladies. One flicked a guy off today. SHE.FLICKED.HIM.OFF. I was in total shock. WHO DOES THAT? I know I curse, but not like this. I censor myself a great deal in public, you know, cuz I have home training.

5. Random aches. Since I started I have had the most random pains. My neck and shoulders are super achey and my legs and feet hurt. The hell. I stood on my feet for 8 hours a day 4 days a week and never felt pain like this. I need some help.

6. IT'S BORING! I'm only there 8 hours this week and I'm bored as hell. Imagine my TEN hour shift. No seriously, there is NOTHING to do. I have a game folder with games from the 90's but I can only play it when the boss is out and surprise, surprise I'm training. It is literally like watching paint dry. literally. They painted and I watched it dry.
I have training an hour a way next week. so I'll be gone from 7:30am until 6:00 p.m. Hip Hip hooray!
Also, one of my dogs had to have emergency surgery. Tuesday he had an "let's eat everything we come in contact with" party. He ate a towel, a bag of hot dog buns including the wrapper, he ate a cardbord box, and a mitten. Yes, a mitten. He's been throwing up and having a bad case of the BG's(bubble guts) since then. Today I started getting worried, I'm a tad bit overprotective since my other dog died in November. I took him to the vet and he was whoopin they ass until they sedated him. Turns out he has an obstruction of his small intestines and they have to have emergency surgery or I have to put him down. Tough decision...NOT. So while I'm tryna figure out how I can come up with this money I just wrote a bad check for I'm prayin like you would not believe. I was shaking and stuff. He was o.k. though, she had to push it through to his large intestine and he can hopefully come home tomorrow or Sat. I'M SO EXCITED...AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT! I love my dogs to death and he hasnt been away from us since he was a little baby. I hope he sleeps through the night until I can go see him tomorrow after the boringest job ever. It also only turned out to be half of what they thought it was. HOORAY! I dont have to put on the red light...I kid, I kid.
School sucks. I dont think I'ma have the money to pay for this semester so I dont think I'ma go. I'm hella tired anywayz so a week off should help. I'm only sad that I'm not gonna get to do something I've been waiting years to do. I'd put it here but on the off chance it does happen I dont want any incriminating evidence. Oh wellz. If it was meant to be it'll be, soon. THANKS JAY-Z!
Juanita Bynum got beat the hell down by her husband. This is so sad. What's worse it the way people keep saying that it's her own fault. BULL! Domestic violence is never the victims fault dummies. Please dont let hate get in the way of your own common sense.
Michael Vick. He's a dumbass. I'd write more but I've already written one obligatory blog post about him. I copied it down below. This was after some random said something dumb about it JUST being animals and if he was white we'd let him off etc. etc. etc.:
Maaaaannnnnnnn I was reading these posts getting super hot! What genius would do some idiocy like swerve OFF the road and kill six kids to miss a squirrel? That’s reaching. I'm not gonna attempt to explain what someone else said because I don’t know them so I don’t know what they meant. Here's how I feel about it. Vick is guilty. Guilty for being a cruel, indecent human being. He viciously killed animals that he bought, traded and bred for slaughter. For shame on us for wanting to hold him accountable for his actions. As an animal lover I would swerve to miss the squirrel, but NOT at the cost of human life. It's not a matter of humans over animals, its about not being a jackass. Who can honestly say if they could have avoided killing an animal they wouldn’t have? Not anyone sane. Not even yourself. Animal life should not be placed over human life, but we also shouldn’t go out of our way to kill them unneeded.
I also understand that biblically speaking we were given domain over animals. There are a few other quotes in the bible concerning animals too, here's one:
A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs.
- Proverbs 12:10
Hmmmmm......Maybe that's too much rationalism for some people. Since we are on the bible, isn’t the point of our existence to be exalting God and living our lives as Christ like as possible? Well the bible says:
The Lord is loving and merciful... He is good to everyone and has compassion on all he has made.
- Psalms 145:8-9
ALL HE HAS MADE. He made everything including dogs and squirrels :)
I can understand people saying that if this was a person he'd get off believe you me, I get it. What shocks me is that we say this with such ease. The fact that we are readily able to supply this man with an excuse for his ridiculous behavior is appalling. This is the same man that we let off the hook for infecting people with HERPES! This dude knew he was burnin and was still blessin chicks with the gift that keeps on givin. This is just the beginning of his stupid behavior, middle fingers to fans, not really playing in 05, kicking it with people who had records for drug trafficking. COME ON MAN! He has consistently stupid behavior. It's time Vick grows the hell up. He was man enough to do dumb crap so he needs to be man enough to own up to it. Period.
I'm SO.DAMN.INTELLIGENT! I'm playin,but hey
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I wrote a very long extensive post with pictures about my joy of school ending two weeks ago. Blogger fudged that up. In my anger I have abstained from blogger for a few weeks to mellow out, kinda clear my head from the anger that threatened to erupt onto my Dell. I am calm now. However, I would like to point out that if the blogger ever deletes my extensive posts again I will fuck.it.up. That is all.
I'm gonna GO TO CHURCH
I'm gonna GO TO CHURCH
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The lost posts
I wrote some posts I didnt finish a few weeks ago, I shall call them "the losts posts". Here's one now!
I'm back up in this Biaatch! O.K random outburst I know but as school has just ended and I feel like a recently freed slave(at least for two weeks) I am excited! I got a 10 page paper to write tonight but 9 pages of that is gonna be bull and the other one is gonna be a title page. I am full of useless information waiting to escape! So here is my list of things that really pissed me off this summer that I didnt get to write about.
1. That wrestler guy who killed his fam.
You suck.
2. Those two ass clowns that raped and killed that family.
You both suck.
3. Usher and Tameka.
W.T.F? Is he lost in the sauce? I dont believe I understand this one.
4. Chick in Delaware that faked pregnancy.
So, there's this chick in Delaware that was supposedly knocked up with twins by this frat guy. She went around for a good 8 months wearing a fake belly (dodge balls cut in half), getting sympathy for having a triflin baby daddy who questioned paternity, having baby showers and getting all the attention her little lyin ass could muster. So she goes into labor and "loses" the babies. Next day she's on campus walking around kickin it. People get suspicious and raid her room finding the fake bellies. They confront her and lift her shirt to find she has a friggin six pack! THE HELL! Eight months later with labor and you still lookin like you just got off the bowflex? She confesses says she aborted the babies at 6 months and didnt want anyone to know so she just kept faking. This does not explain the other 6 months of no weight gain. She also didnt explain the different month sized dodge balls found in room. There are pictures of her all over the place. Here's some:

Had the nerve to have a shower!

If you see this hoe, kick her in the stomach. It's safe now.
Dag! She needs to
go to church
I'm back up in this Biaatch! O.K random outburst I know but as school has just ended and I feel like a recently freed slave(at least for two weeks) I am excited! I got a 10 page paper to write tonight but 9 pages of that is gonna be bull and the other one is gonna be a title page. I am full of useless information waiting to escape! So here is my list of things that really pissed me off this summer that I didnt get to write about.
1. That wrestler guy who killed his fam.
You suck.
2. Those two ass clowns that raped and killed that family.
You both suck.
3. Usher and Tameka.
W.T.F? Is he lost in the sauce? I dont believe I understand this one.
4. Chick in Delaware that faked pregnancy.
So, there's this chick in Delaware that was supposedly knocked up with twins by this frat guy. She went around for a good 8 months wearing a fake belly (dodge balls cut in half), getting sympathy for having a triflin baby daddy who questioned paternity, having baby showers and getting all the attention her little lyin ass could muster. So she goes into labor and "loses" the babies. Next day she's on campus walking around kickin it. People get suspicious and raid her room finding the fake bellies. They confront her and lift her shirt to find she has a friggin six pack! THE HELL! Eight months later with labor and you still lookin like you just got off the bowflex? She confesses says she aborted the babies at 6 months and didnt want anyone to know so she just kept faking. This does not explain the other 6 months of no weight gain. She also didnt explain the different month sized dodge balls found in room. There are pictures of her all over the place. Here's some:

Had the nerve to have a shower!

If you see this hoe, kick her in the stomach. It's safe now.
Dag! She needs to
go to church
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